Change is necessary

All too often, we're reminded that freedom from racism and injustice is still not universally available to black Americans, along with other diverse communities.
The loss of life and affront to human dignity are unbearable to observe and devastating for those affected. Our hearts go out to all who are grieving and seek justice.
It’s obvious that change is necessary. There is no room for racism or prejudice in our world, and we condemn these divisive tools of hate, the acts they inspire, and the people who wield them as weapons.
It is our obligation to listen with both greater empathy and curiosity, develop a deeper understanding of those different from ourselves, and support those in pain with a pledge that we will try harder to make a real difference – even if we do not know exactly what that looks like today.
As a company, we will continue our efforts to make this a place where all feel welcomed and valued, and the different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that each of us bring are not only respected, but make us stronger.
Each of us also has the chance and obligation to be a beacon for equality, justice, and compassion in our homes and communities, for choosing to demonstrate care and respect for one another as human beings and citizens is a calling to which we all can aspire.
Let’s embrace the important work ahead of us.
David Musto
President and CEO