Boost Plan Performance and Retention Rates with Payroll Integration

It’s a competitive market for retirement plan clients. The more tools you have that create seamless, frictionless experiences for clients, the greater your chances of establishing and maintaining profitable long-term relationships with them.
Although you might not typically think of payroll integration as one of these tools, it can make a significant difference for both your clients and you.
Why? Busy clients want to streamline routine retirement plan responsibilities that eat up time and prevent them from focusing on their businesses. Additionally, when managing a retirement plan, there’s real risk involved if a plan sponsor misses a participant request or makes a processing error.
By recommending that your clients integrate their payroll data with our retirement plan recordkeeping platform, you can:
- help clients save time by eliminating daily monitoring of recordkeeping reports and payroll change or transaction emails
- help them reduce the risk of missing a request or incorrectly processing a change
- foster long-term relationships and boost client retention by demonstrating your commitment to finding ways to save them time and simplify their plan administration
Ascensus makes it easy by offering both 360° and 180° payroll integration with hundreds of payroll partners—and counting. Our retirement plan options offer built-in integration solutions that require less of your clients’ time to manage—so they have more time to run their businesses.
Better yet, we have resources you can share with clients who are interested in the benefits of payroll integration:
Looking for more ideas to optimize plan performance?
Our Total Growth team is here to help you get there.
We’re a one-stop shop, with experienced consultants who work one-on-one with you and your plan sponsor clients to identify services that optimize plan performance while boosting your bottom line.
Tap into our team to collaborate on ideas and solutions for any client. Connect with a Total Growth consultant today or call us at 833-862-1122.