Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors Looking to Expand Their Clientele

As a financial advisor, you lead a busy life. Between client meetings, reviewing investments, and keeping up with your practice, it can be hard to find a single minute of free time throughout the day. So how can you find the time to create and sustain a marketing plan?
We know there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done, but spending just a few hours a week on marketing activities can prove results very quickly. But you're a financial expert, not a marketing wiz, so where do you even start? Luckily, we've got you covered.
How to market yourself as a financial advisor
Get to know your community
You never know who in your community may be looking for a new financial advisor or who may refer you to one of their friends. Getting involved in the community can introduce you to a whole new group of local workers who may need some financial assistance. Check out local charities, business associations, local chambers, etc. to network and meet as many community members as you can.
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Leverage social media
You have a ton of valuable industry knowledge at your disposal, and rather than letting potential clients get their financial tips and advice from TikTok, use your own social media platforms to build your network and grow awareness for your services.
Plus, many adults use social media sites to find recommendations or reviews on products or services,
and growing your online presence may help you control the conversation about you and your brand.
Read more: Growing your 401(k) business: Writing Effective Prospecting Emails
Create thought leadership content
The internet is full of videos, pictures, blogs, and more—and you don't want to miss out on the web traffic this can bring to your website. Content has become a necessity in recent years. Creating a weekly blog and/or short video that explains a specific industry topic to your target audience can increase your site ranking on search engines, like Google or Bing, which can ultimately drive more potential clients to your website. Additionally, the content you create can be shared on your social media platforms and with current clients to reinforce their decision to use you as their financial advisor. Plus, becoming a thought leader in your industry can not only help your web presence but can bring in clients who find you on social media as well.
Even though it can be hard to find the time to create and maintain a solid marketing strategy, remember that marketing is vitally important when it comes to growing your business. You reap what you sow, and just a small amount of effort on your end can lead to big results on building your brand awareness and expanding your clientele. View our Advisor Toolkit to learn more about the tools and resources we've created to help advisors grow their business, or contact us today at 800-345-6363.