Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Announces Rollover Relief for Maryland Prepaid College Trust Accounts
The Internal Revenue Service has issued Notice 2024-23 providing relief for taxpayers impacted by system issues affecting the Maryland Prepaid College Trust.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Announces Deadline Relief for Severe Storms in Connecticut
The IRS has announced the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for victims in parts of Connecticut affected by severe storms, flooding, and a potential dam breach.
Industry & Regulatory News
Agencies Release Reporting and Disclosure RFI Under SECURE 2.0
The Department of Treasury, the Department of Labor, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation have released a Request for Information (RFI) pursuant to Section 319 of SECURE 2.0.
Industry & Regulatory News
Washington Pulse: IRS Releases Guidance on SECURE 2.0 Provisions
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released Notice 2024-02, which provides guidance in a question and answer format regarding several provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (SECURE 2.0).
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Finalizes Rule to Update Minimum Present Value Requirements for DB Plan Distributions
The IRS has issued a final rule to update minimum present value requirements for defined benefit plan distributions.
Industry & Regulatory News
Retirement Plan Disaster Assistance May Be Available for Rhode Island Severe Storms
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a disaster declaration on January 7, 2024 for Rhode Island severe storms, flooding, and tornadoes, for the incident period of September 10 – September 13, 2023.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Announces Applicable Federal Rates for February
The IRS has issued Revenue Ruling 2024-03, which contains the applicable federal rates (AFR) for February 2024.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Issues Yield Curves and Segment Rates for DB Plan Calculations
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued Notice 2024-21, which contains updated guidance on factors used in certain defined benefit (DB) pension plan minimum funding and present value calculations.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Issues Limited Guidance for PLESAs Under SECURE 2.0
The IRS has released Notice 2024-22, providing guidance on anti-abuse rules under Section 127 of the SECURE 2.0 Act with respect to Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Accounts (PLESAs).
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Finalizes Rules for Determining Corporate Bond Yield Curve
The IRS has issued its final rule specifying the methodology used to develop the corporate bond yield curve.