Industry & Regulatory News
Affordable Insulin Now Act Proposed in House
Representative Angie Craig (D-MN) has reintroduced the Affordable Insulin Now Act in the House.
Industry & Regulatory News
Proposal Would Allow Permanent HDHP Waiver for Telehealth Services
Sen. John Kennedy, (R-La), has introduced the Telehealth HSA Act. The Act would make permanent the ability of high deductible health plans (HDHPs) to waive the deductible for telehealth services without causing plan participants to lose the ability to contribute to a health savings account (HSA).
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Finalizes Electronic Filing Requirements for Certain Information Returns
The IRS has released final regulations amending rules intended to increase the filing of electronic returns in accordance with the Taxpayer First Act of 2019.
Industry & Regulatory News
Legislation Proposed to Expand HSA Access
Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) has introduced H.R. 107, the Freedom for Families Act, which proposes the following.
- Provide that distributions from health savings accounts (HSAs) during periods of qualified caregiving are not includible in gross income
- Remove the requirement that an individual be covered under a high deductible health plan in order to contribute to an HSA
- Increase the annual contributions limits to $9,000 for single coverage and $18,000 for family coverage
Under the proposal, periods of qualified caregiving are defined as any period during which an individual is on leave or not employed because of the following reasons.
- Birth of the employee’s child and the period required to care for such child
- Placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care
- Caring for the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent, because of a serious health condition
- A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of her position
- Certain emergencies as a result of covered active duty or notification of order to covered active duty in the Armed Forces by the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent
The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Industry & Regulatory News
Two-Year Extension on Telehealth Services Granted
On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (CAA 2023)—which serves to fund the federal government for a full year—was enacted. Included in CAA 2023 is a provision granting a two-year extension allowing high deductible health plans (HDHPs) to waive the deductible for telehealth and other remote care services without causing plan participants to lose the ability to contribute to a health savings account (HSA). The two-year extension is in effect January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.
Highlights regarding the extension are as follows:
- Telehealth services do not need to be preventive or related to COVID-19 to qualify for the relief;
- An employer is not required to waive the deductible for telehealth services;
- The relief applies on a monthly basis rather than a plan year basis. As a result, non-calendar year HDHPs that provide first dollar coverage for telehealth services must modify their plan design mid-year effective January 1, 2025;
- Employers who offer a fully-insured HDHP should contact their insurance carrier to confirm the insurer will continue to provide first dollar coverage for telehealth services; and
- Employers who will continue to waive the deductible for telehealth services should communicate this extension to individuals covered under a HDHP.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Final Rule on Electronic Filing Requirements at OMB
The Office of Management and Budget has received a final rule from the IRS titled “Electronically Filed Returns”.
The IRS released a proposed rule in July 2021 regarding electronic filing requirements for certain information returns, pursuant to the Taxpayer First Act of 2019. The proposed regulations reduce the threshold by which filers must electronically file from 250 to 100 returns for the 2022 calendar year. For filings required after calendar year 2022, the threshold will be further reduced to 10 returns.
Industry & Regulatory News
Additional ACA FAQs Released
The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury issued a joint FAQ related to the coverage of contraceptive products as preventive services by group health plans or issuers. The FAQ provides the following:
- Group health plans and issuers are required to cover items or services that are integral to the furnishing of a recommended preventive service. The FAQ clarifies that coverage of anesthesia for a tubal litigation procedure or pregnancy tests required prior to the provision of an intrauterine device would be considered preventive services.
Industry & Regulatory News
DOL Proposed Amendment for QPAM Exemptions Has Left OMB
A Proposed Rule titled “Proposed Amendment to PTE 84-14 for Plan Asset Transactions Determined by an Independent Qualified Plan Asset Manager” (QPAM) has left the Office of Management and Budget—suggesting that official release may come soon.
ERISA generally prohibits a number of transactions between a plan and a “party in interest”—including fiduciaries and those providing services to the plan—unless an exemption is granted. PTE 84-14 is a class exemption regarding certain transactions between a party in interest with respect to an employee benefit plan and an investment fund that is managed by a QPAM. An employee benefit plan includes an employee welfare benefit or pension benefit plan, a trust defined under IRC. Secs. 401(a) or 403(a), IRAs, HSAs, MSAs, and ESAs. QPAMs are independent fiduciaries that are a bank, savings and loan, insurance company, or registered investment advisor meeting certain asset/net worth thresholds.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Posts Draft 2022 Form 8889 for HSA Reporting
The IRS has released a draft 2022 tax year Form 8889, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Form 8889 is filed by taxpayers to report HSA contributions and associated tax deductions, HSA distributions, and any tax or penalty tax owed for distributions not used for qualified medical expenses.
Industry & Regulatory News
2023 HSA Limits Released
May 3, 2022 - The IRS has issued Revenue Procedure 2022-24, providing inflation-adjusted amounts for health savings accounts (HSAs) for calendar year 2023. Maximum annual HSA contributions will rise from $3,650 to $3,850 for those with self-only insurance coverage, and from $7,300 to $7,750 for those with family coverage.
Minimum deductible amounts for qualifying high deductible health plans will increase from $1,400 for self-only coverage to $1,500, and from $2,800 to $3,000 for a family plan. Maximum annual out-of-pocket amounts under self-only coverage will rise from $7,050 to $7,500, and from $14,100 to $15,000 for family coverage.